Your Gardening Guide for October
Your Gardening Guide for October
Welcome to October!
Spring planting is in full swing in both the flower and vegetable garden this month. It’s another roll-up-the-sleeves month and a beautiful time to be outside.
October Top Tips
#1 Dead head
Dead head spring annuals to encourage more flowers and extend flowering time.
#2 Climbing beans
Plant climbing bean seeds. They grow well up a trellis or archway in your vegie patch which is not only a great space saver but looks stunning.
#3 Divide perennials
Fill your garden by dividing your perennials. You can pot any extras and give them away to friends and family.
#4 Seeds to sow now
Sow seeds of all the heat loving members of the Solanaecae family- tomatoes, eggplants, capsicum and chilli.
October Essentials
Get some hot tips and tricks for garden success this October, from pricking out, to seed saving rules as well as planting edible tubers.
Watch nowDiggers top pest tips

Black spot and aphids
Apply Epsom salts and sulphate of potash, spray with Eco oil (aphids). Keep a close eye out for aphids on all soft, young growth especially on roses, peaches and nectarines.

Citrus gall wasp
Cut out any galls that appear on your citrus (citrus gall wasp) and place yellow sticky traps, remove these in September so as not to mistakenly catch any beneficial insects.

Collect snails and slugs to reduce the population in the garden and check underneath leaves for caterpillars, aphids and whitefly. Protect seeds with netting to prevent chewing insects and possums feasting on them. Beer traps for snails if getting into strawberries.
Diggers recommends
Diggers top garden ideas

Mulch helps reduce weeds as well as keeping valuable water in your soils.
Mulch with pea straw, lucerne or sugar cane mulch. You can add dolomite lime, rock dust and potash if you wish to boost nutrient levels into the soil for vegetable production.
Discover more on mulch
Feed your entire garden with all purpose organic fertiliser. Fertilise citrus and fruit trees and passionfruit vines and organic- Fruit & citrus food.
Learn about fertilisers
Attract beneficial insects
Plant some violas, marigolds, cornflowers and phlox to attract pollinators and beneficial insects.
Learn how to attract beneficial insectsDiggers recommends
Plants to plant now
You can prepare to start planting out many summer vegetable crops that require warmth (keep in mind they will need soil temperature around 20°C to take off properly and no chance of frost) so may want to play it safe and leave it to later in the month or early November.
- asparagus
- rhubarb
- horseradish crowns
- jerusalem artichoke tubers
- seed potatoes
- climbing beans

Get ready for November
Start planning