Red Shallot (5 Bulbs)

Allium cepa var. aggregatum

Red Shallots have a more subtle, sweet flavour than the golden shallots. Their sweet purple flesh pairs well with soups and Asian dishes.

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Red Shallot (5 Bulbs)

Red Shallots are the stars of the shallot world. With a more subtle, sweet flavour than even the highly prized golden shallots, and certainly far more mild than onions, they are popular in a wide variety of cuisines for the complexity and flavour they add to dishes as varied as Asian soups, to French casseroles. Easy to grow, one bulb usually produces between 5-8 new bulbs.
How to grow

How to grow shallots Shallots grow in a very similar way to garlic – individual bulbs are planted into the soil, pointy end up, and just below the surface. If planted in early spring, shallots should be ready to harvest in around 3 months time. They will be slower if planted in autumn or winter. Each bulb produces around 5 – 8 bulbs. When planting, do not remove the papery skin. This protects the bulb throughout dormancy. Plant around 30cm apart in full sun. They prefer a rich, well-drained soil high in organic matter with a pH of 5.0-7.0. Remove any developing flower stalks to keep all energy being directed into developing lovely sweet bulbs. Keep away from dogs and cats as plants can be poisonous to these furry friends. Harvest in either early or late summer (depending on when you planted your bulbs), after the top yellows and begins to dry. Stop watering at this time. Pull each bulb from the soil and dry in a warm sheltered place for a couple of weeks. When the foliage is completely dry, it can be removed and the bulbs can be stored in a mesh bag in a cool, dry location. Bulbs can store for up to 6 months in ideal conditions.

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