Turnip 'White Mini'

Brassica rapa

A tender round white turnip that stores well and offers both edible roots and shoots. The spherical-shaped roots are crisp and ready to harvest in just 7 weeks. A delicate treat; try roasting them whole with a splash of olive oil and serve alongside roasted baby carrots and beef Wellington. Both the turnip and foliage are edible, which is great if your looking for a seasonal green to spice up your winter cuisine.

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Turnip 'White Mini'

A brassica grown for it's roots rather than shoots, turnips have been grown for around 4000 years and are credited with giving rise to some of our favourite crops like Chinese cabbage. Most commonly grown as a cool season crop, turnips bridge the gap in the vegie garden calendar providing wholesome, nutritious ingredients for stews, casseroles and other slow-cooked delights.
How to grow

Both swedes and turnips need to be grown quickly to ensure mild, sweet roots, so give them full sun, plenty of water and blood and bone mixed with a little bit of lime. Thin seedlings to 10cm spacings.

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