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Southern Beech
Pre-dating the break up of Gondwana, the majestic Southern beech belongs to a remarkable and ecologically important group of trees in the southern hemisphere whose fossil history has provided scientists with invaluable information on plate tectonics and paleontology. These impressive species can live in excess of 500 years and are prominent players in the forests of a range of climate zones from temperate to tropical. The Southern beech is also referred to as Myrtle Beech or Tasmanian Myrtle within the timber industry, where its fine textured wood is much sought after for cabinetry. Fast growth rate.
How to grow
Full sun or part shade, prefers moist, fertile soil, coping with wet and boggy conditions. Grows in temperate rainforests or alpine areas where its height will be restricted. Benefits from a mulch of leaf litter to prevent root zone drying out.