Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss'

Rubus idaeus x Rubus hybrids

Blissfully sweet large fruit adorn this autumn fruiting variety. Being a primocane variety, these canes are easy to maintain. Simply cut down the old canes in winter after you've finished harvesting to make way for the next year's crop of fragrant berries.

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Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss'

Blissfully sweet large fruit adorn this autumn fruiting variety. Being a primocane variety, these canes are easy to maintain. Simply cut down the old canes in winter after you've finished harvesting to make way for the next year's crop of fragrant berries.
How to grow

PRIMOCANE - These raspberries fruit on this seasons (new) growth. Simply prune to the ground after fruiting in late winter, ready to harvest berries again in autumn.

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