Potato - Lucky Dip Selection - Members save over 40%

Solanum tuberosum

The Potato Lucky Dip selection involves receiving six bags of potatoes, each labelled with a surprise variety. It adds an element of excitement to the selection process, allowing customers to try out different potato varieties they might not have considered otherwise. This can be a great way to experiment with cooking and flavours while also enjoying the unique qualities of each potato type. Just keep in mind that you won't know the exact varieties you're getting until you open the bags – it's all part of the lucky dip experience! This is a limited Member Only discounted offer. Members save $35 off the retail price, that’s a huge saving of over 40%. Limited time offer. *Potatoes are also prohibited from being brought into Kangaroo Island due to quarantine restrictions.

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Potato - Lucky Dip Selection - Members save over 40%

All potatoes can be grown in the soil, in towers and even grow bags. INDETERMINATE POTATOES: In the case of indeterminate potatoes, they produce their crop along their growing stem, just like tomatoes; the only difference is that tomatoes grow above the soil, fruiting along the exposed stem upward; while potatoes crop below the soil, so the stem must be continually covered up in order to produce viable tubers. These are often your most prolific, late harvest varieties needing around 90-120 days to reach maturity. DETERMINATE POTATOES: Determinate potatoes, like determinate tomatoes, grow to a set height and produce a reliable crop of tubers without the need for covering their developing stem. Simply plant around 10cm deep and they will produce a single layer of potatoes below the soil surface. These are usually early, cropping potatoes, maturing in just 50-70 days. For more information on growing potatoes, visit: www.diggers.com.au/growing-potatoes.

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