Nasturtium 'Canary Creeper'

Tropaeolum peregrinum

A fascinating variety known for its climbing nature and beautiful canary yellow flowers with dissected petals that resemble the wings of a yellow canary. Native to South America, this nasturtium offers not only visual appeal but also edible delights with its flowers, seeds, and leaves all boasting a tangy flavour that's suited to salads and garnishes. A popular companion plant, this versatile annual adds a delightful twist to culinary creations and brings both beauty and colour to your garden.

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Nasturtium 'Canary Creeper'

This nasturtium has a rich history dating back to ancient times when they grew wild in Peru and Ecuador. Thriving in temperate climates, these flowers were discovered in the 1800s and later introduced as a vine for home gardens in the United States. Nowadays, Nasturtium 'Canary Creeper' is cultivated in gardens worldwide for its visual appeal and culinary aesthetic. A valuable companion plant, train up a trellis or support, or allow to sprawl along the ground as a groundcover to prevent weed growth and competition, and to attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies to your garden.
How to grow

Easy to grow, sow seeds directly in well-drained, fertile soil after the last frost, spacing them 15-30 centimeters apart. Provide full sun to partial shade and keep the soil consistently moist. Germination usually occurs within 7-14 days. Nasturtiums are known for their resilience and adaptability, making them an easy and delightful addition to any garden.

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