Lemon 'Meyer'

Citrus limon

This popular lemon produces fruit all year round and is the most cold tolerant of all lemons. Actually a 'Eureka' cultivar with mild acidity, this lemon is perfect for refreshing summer drinks. Ideal for espaliering and one of the most popular homegrown fruits in Australia.

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How to grow

Citrus grow best in open positions where they receive full sun, good drainage and shelter from strong winds. They prefer a frost free environment although will tolerate light frost once established. Citrus are well suited to pot culture and are no less productive when kept at 2m tall and 2m wide which also makes maintenance and care more manageable. Always use good quality potting mix in a pot. Citrus have a shallow fibrous root system and underplanting and cultivation below the tree should be avoided. Fertilise monthly with a complete, slow release, pelleted fertiliser all year round. Mulch to conserve moisture. Supplementary water is required during the warmer months. Prepare soil prior to planting by digging a hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball and enriching with compost and pelleted complete fertiliser. Apply seaweed solution after planting. Avoid planting into cold, wet soil. Grafted on to Citrange rootstock which performs well in clay loams and shows tolerance for nematodes. Fruit size and quality from trees on this stock is very good.

Growing Information

Growing Needs
Light: Full Sun
Water: seasonal watering
Heat Zone: 4-10

Choose plants appropriate to your heat and cold zone to ensure they will succeed in your garden. Learn more.

Cold Zone: 9a-11
Plant Characteristics
Type: Evergreen

Learn more about the characteristics of plants

Height: 2m
Width: 2m
Fruiting: June-July
Pot Size:
Pot Size: Tree Pot

We choose the right size pot for your plant to ensure it will travel well through the post. Learn more

Delivery timeframe

Please note that we are currently despatching orders for all in-stock items within 7-14 business days.

Orders to WA, NT and TAS require quarantine clearance. These orders are shipped weekly which may impact delivery timeframes. Please allow an additional week to receive your package.

We know you're keen to receive your order as quickly as possible, and our team works hard to prepare and pack your orders fast and accurately. 

Member Satisfaction Guarantee

You can safely order plants with Diggers!

Our team carefully pack each order to ensure that live plants are well watered, are securely packed will arrive healthy, ready for transplanting in your garden.

However if within 90 days, your plant is not performing as expected, please contact us. We will work with you to help recover the plant, but if unsuccessful we will provide a replacement or credit under our 90 day Member Satisfaction Guarantee.

Please note our policy on living product covers only those selected for your appropriate climate zone.

Postage Rates

Seed only orders:

Plant orders:
1-14 plants: $11.95
15+ plants: $21.95

seeds can be added for no additional charge

Hardware, books, bulbs, tuber orders:

seeds can be added for no additional charge

Plants with any other combination of hardware, books, bulbs or tubers:
1-14 plants: $22.90
15+ plants: $32.90

Membership & member free seed only orders:

Quarantine surcharge:
$6.00 - covers additional cost of mandatory inspections for WA, NT and TAS orders only


Items available for pre-order will be despatched as soon as the season permits, as indicated by the expected delivery date.