Lavender 'Dwarf Monet'

Lavandula dentata 'Monet'

A highly aromatic dwarf French Lavender with fine, delicately toothed foliage and dark mauve flowers that appear almost continuously throughout the year.

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Lavender 'Dwarf Monet'

This charming dwarf French Lavender has the finest of foliage, slightly greener than other varieties, and darker mauve flowers that appear almost continuously throughout the year. Each felted leaf is delicately toothed and rich in essential oils, pervading the garden with its delightful camphor scent when brushed. The perfect fragrant and colourful low hedge is of Spanish origin, though known as French Lavender. For a sunny free-draining position, it’s an ideal complement to citrus. Adored by bees.
How to grow

Plant in full sun, dry to medium, free-draining and preferably alkaline soil. Apply a little lime at planting to improve performance. Dislikes humidity, ensure plenty of air movement, rock or gravel mulch preferable to organic options in humid areas. Drought-tolerant. Tip prune periodically throughout the year to maintain density. Fertilise in spring and autumn with Flower and Bulb Fertiliser.

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