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Larkspur 'Earl Grey'
Larkspur 'Earl Grey' is popular with florists as both a fresh or dried flower. To dry, allow the top 3-4 flowers to open before hanging upside down away from direct sunlight. To maximise life as a fresh flower, cut when the bottom third of the flower stem is open. This will allow you to enjoy the top two-thirds inside as they mature.
Please note: all parts of this plant, including the seed, are poisonous. Care should be taken around children and pets.
How to grow
Treat seeds to a week in the freezer before sowing or at least two weeks in the fridge in a moist bag. Sow directly in late autumn or early spring. Larkspurs dislike transplanting so avoid root disturbance. If started in trays, use a biodegradable pot or pellet to avoid disturbing the roots so that seedlings can be planted pot and all. * Please note: All parts of larkspur are poisonous, including the seeds. Use caution around children and pets.