Garlic 'Rojo de Castro' (2 Heads)
Group: Creole Description: Smaller bulbs with strong (usually white) skins, which can be hard to remove. Scapes grow as drooping, upside down U-shapes, with long slender umbels and small bulbils (usually more than 30). Medium sized plants with blue-green upright leaves. Mid to late season plant and harvest. Cloves: Bulbs have 8–12 vibrant purple, red or bronze cloves, in one or two layers, with tight skins. Climate: Grow bests in hot drier regions in southern NSW, VIC, SA, southern WA and northern TAS. Flavour: Raw flavours range from simple and very hot to strong, rich, complex and long-lasting with more or less heat. Some of these cultivars are the hottest of all garlics. Lovely roasted Storage: 12+ months Planting: Mar - May Harvest: Nov - Jan