Fairy's Fishing Rod 'Raven'

Dierama pulcherrimum 'Raven'

Graceful arching stems hold bell-shaped magenta-purple flowers, which dance in the summer breeze, hanging from the flower stems like fish from a rod, giving life and movement to the early summer flower garden. The evergreen foliage forms a clump that is a feature all year.

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Fairy's Fishing Rod 'Raven'

An unusual form of Fairy's Fishing Rod, with striking bell-shaped deep magenta blooms that dance like lures along delicate arching stems, evocative of a fishing rod dangling serenely by a pool. Also known as 'Angel's Fishing Rod' or 'Fairy's Wandflower', the evergreen clumps of fine strap-leaf foliage anchor the impossibly fine flower stems. Simply stunning in pots, by a pond or as a garden feature where even the gentlest breeze will provide a rhythmic effect of swaying flower wands.
How to grow

Plant in a sunny position in fertile soil that is kept moist yet free-draining . Plants may take a couple of seasons to establish before flowering becomes abundant. Avoid root disturbance. Flowering from the stem tip down, refrain from pruning off spent flowers until blooms open progressively along the graceful, arching stem. Tidy any damaged or dead foliage as required.

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