Corn 'Ontos Oval White Popcorn' (Organic)

Zea mays

An Australian heirloom white popcorn bred by Fred Koch who proudly proclaims this popcorn to be "all puff with no rough" as the oval shaped white corn kernels have less fibrous matter at the base, giving you fluffy white popcorn that's perfect with just a sprinkle of salt or daub of butter.

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Corn 'Ontos Oval White Popcorn' (Organic)

Fred Koch, originally from Arkansas, USA immigrated to Australia in 1974 and is a prominent organic seed saver in Australia. A result of his own trials, this popcorn has less of the bits that get caught in your teeth, making it the perfect popcorn to grow at home and enjoy on your home movie nights.

Growing Information

Seed Sowing
Sow method: Sow direct

Learn more about seed sowing methods

Germination: 85
Sow distance: 35cm
Seed Sowing Times
Cool: Jan,Sep-Dec

Indicates when to sow your seeds depending on your region. Learn more

Warm: Jan-Feb,Aug-Dec
Hot: Jan-Feb,Aug-Dec
Sub-tropical: Jan-Feb,Aug-Dec
Tropical: Jan-Dec
Growing Needs
Light: Full Sun
Water: regular watering
Growing weeks: 16

The number of growing weeks required to reach harvest stage. Of particular importance for Cool climate gardeners.

Plant Characteristics
Type: Tender Annual

Learn more about the characteristics of plants

Height: 1.5m
Width: 35cm

Delivery timeframe

Please note that we are currently despatching orders for all in-stock items within 7-14 business days.

Orders to WA, NT and TAS require quarantine clearance. These orders are shipped weekly which may impact delivery timeframes. Please allow an additional week to receive your package.

We know you're keen to receive your order as quickly as possible, and our team works hard to prepare and pack your orders fast and accurately. 

Member Satisfaction Guarantee

You can safely order plants with Diggers!

Our team carefully pack each order to ensure that live plants are well watered, are securely packed will arrive healthy, ready for transplanting in your garden.

However if within 90 days, your plant is not performing as expected, please contact us. We will work with you to help recover the plant, but if unsuccessful we will provide a replacement or credit under our 90 day Member Satisfaction Guarantee.

Please note our policy on living product covers only those selected for your appropriate climate zone.

Postage Rates

Seed only orders:

Plant orders:
1-14 plants: $11.95
15+ plants: $21.95

seeds can be added for no additional charge

Hardware, books, bulbs, tuber orders:

seeds can be added for no additional charge

Plants with any other combination of hardware, books, bulbs or tubers:
1-14 plants: $22.90
15+ plants: $32.90

Membership & member free seed only orders:

Quarantine surcharge:
$6.00 - covers additional cost of mandatory inspections for WA, NT and TAS orders only


Items available for pre-order will be despatched as soon as the season permits, as indicated by the expected delivery date.