Carob Tree

Ceratonia siliqua

A tough drought-tolerant shade tree that also makes an ideal windbreak in our dry climate. Needs male and female plants to produce the delectable pods so grow several plants to increase chances of pollination. Not only is Carob beneficial to our health, it makes a fine evergreen shade tree and, being a member of the legume family, it improves soils too. A healthy alternative for caffeine and chocolate addicts, it's high in antioxidants and vitamin E and helps improve digestive health and lowers cholesterol.

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Carob Tree

A tough drought-tolerant shade tree that also makes an ideal windbreak in our dry climate. Needs male and female plants to produce the delectable pods so grow several plants to increase chances of pollination. Medium growth rate.
How to grow

Plant in full sun in free draining soil. Tolerates dry, rocky soils and harsh semi-arid climates. Restrict watering during pod maturation to improve sugar content. Prune to create compact dense growth if planting as a hedge, or to reduce suckering and improve branch structure.

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