Black Turmeric - Potted Plant

Curcuma caecia

Rare and highly prized, Black Turmeric boasts striking blue-black rhizomes, a distinctive earthy aroma, and powerful medicinal properties. With lush tropical foliage and delicate flowers, it’s both beautiful and beneficial—perfect for gardeners seeking something truly unique!

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Black Turmeric - Potted Plant

A rare and extraordinary cousin of the traditional turmeric, Black Turmeric is prized for its deep blue-black rhizomes and potent medicinal properties. Thriving in warm, humid conditions, it produces lush, tropical foliage and delicate pinkish-white flowers, making it both an ornamental and functional addition to your garden. Best grown in pots or well-drained soil, it requires a long growing season to develop its distinctive rhizomes. Harvest in late autumn for fresh use or dry for long-term storage.

How to grow

Turmeric prefers a frost-free climate, free-draining soil and regular watering. If grown in cooler climates, position near a north facing wall or in protected area. Harvest when the leaves start to yellow, or leave insitu and take what you need. If left undisturbed, turmeric will form a stunning flower. Replant from rhizomes every 3-4 years to maximise harvest.

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