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Autumn Balcony Collection
You don't need a large garden to grow your own. Even a few pots can provide you with produce for your table and to make it even easier, we've put together our best varieties for containers in 2 convenient collections: The Autumn Balcony Collection and The Summer Balcony Collection. This autumn collection is suitable for sowing from late summer through until spring and contains one packet each of Carrot 'Baby', Pea 'Tom Thumb', Spring Onion 'Red', Cauliflower 'Mini', Wombok, Silverbeet 'Fordhook' Lettuce 'Baby Cos' and Tatsoi. 8 packets.
How to grow
This collection is designed for sowing during the cool season. Please follow the directions on the individual packets. Always use a premium potting mix when growing in containers.