Your Gardening Guide for November



Your Gardening Guide for November 



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Welcome to November! 

Traditionally the busiest month of the year in the garden, the spring garden is in its prime. There’s still lots of work to be done to prepare your garden now for a long hot summer ahead.

November Jobs

#1  Herbs 

Sow lots of tasty herb seeds that spice up your meals- Thai basil, sweet basil, lemon basil, garlic chives and coriander.  

#2 Divide perennials

Lift and divide perennials that don’t like getting too wet such as taro and arrowroot. Replant into raised soil mounds enriched with compost.  

#3  Dead head 

Dead head spring flowering annuals and perennials to prevent seed-set and prolong flowering as long as possible. 

#4 Protect

Hang insect proof nets, fruit fly control bags and traps.

November Essentials

It's time to get planting your last remaining crops in preparation for your summer harvest. We look at the benefits of living mulch and we get our hands dirty planting some strawberries! 

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Diggers top pests tips

Black spot and aphids

Apply Epsom salts and sulphate of potash, spray with Eco oil (aphids). Keep a close eye out for aphids on all soft, young growth especially on roses, peaches and nectarines. 

Citrus gall wasp

Cut out any galls that appear on your citrus (citrus gall wasp) and place yellow sticky traps, remove these in September so as not to mistakenly catch any beneficial insects. 


Collect snails and slugs to reduce the population in the garden and check underneath leaves for caterpillars, aphids and whitefly. Protect seeds with netting to prevent chewing insects and possums feasting on them. Beer traps for snails if getting into strawberries.

Diggers top pest tip

Fruit fly

Feed fallen white sapote to the chooks to prevent infestation with fruit fly or use a insect trap for fruit tree pests. Watch our video on how to create a pest free haven for your garden.  Read our article to learn more about fruit flies.

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Diggers top garden ideas

Plant capsicum and eggplant to get them established before the strong winds and rain of the wet season. 
Read our in-depth article on how to grow eggplant.

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Start basil, mustard greens, sweet corn in seed trays or transplant seedlings. Read our article on how to grow basil.

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Snake beans grow well in the wet season. Harvest the beans when they are still slim and short. Read our article on how to grow beans.

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Diggers recommends



Fruit & Citrus Fertiliser 2kg
Fruit & Citrus Fertiliser 2kg

Fruit & Citrus Fertiliser 2kg

The Bee Friendly Seed Collection
The Bee Friendly Seed Collection

The Bee Friendly Seed Collection


Plants to plant now

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Get ready for December

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