Your Gardening Guide for May
Your Gardening Guide for May
Welcome to May!
May Top Tips
#1 Dividing Rhubarb crowns
Rhubarb can be divided and replanted now: this should be done every five years to avoid overcrowding.
#2 Asian Greens
Fertilise and water Asian greens including Bok choy, Pak Choy, Mizuna, Mitsuba, Tasoi, Giant Red Mustard and Mustard Greens. Youll be rewarded in as little as 3 weeks with a harvest.
#3 Vegies
Fertilise vegies with regular organic based liquid fertilisers and side dress with manure, organic fertiliser.
#4 Dahlias
Prune dahlias when foliage has died down. In well drained soil, the tubers can be left in place right through winter, otherwise lift and store
Diggers top pest tips

Slugs and snails
Protect young seedlings from slugs and snails: copper tape, beer traps
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Cabbage white butterflies
Control the cabbage white moth on brassica crops with netting or use Dipel.
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Good time for mushrooms using mushroom kits. Keep mix moist and cool at all times
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Plant Flowers
Plant flowers in the vegie patch- calendula, alyssum and viola to encourage beneficial insets. Calendula and viola petals are also edible.
Shop for beneficial insetsPlants to plant now
Plant aquilegia, calendula, cineraria, delphinium, hollyhock, foxglove, linaria, nemesia, pansy, primula, polyanthus, poppy, viola.
Plant beetroot, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, coriander, garlic, lettuce, leek, parsnip, onions, oregano, radish, turnip, thyme

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