Dahlia 'Glenbank Lavender Blush'

Dahlia hybrida 'Glenbank Lavender Blush'

This large-flowering dahlia borders on a 'Dinner Plate Dahlia' and features huge, magnificent soft lavender flowers up to 20cm across with delicate white blushes throughout. The stunning blooms of Dahlia 'Glenbank Lavender Blush' sit atop strong stems making it an ideal dahlia for the cutting garden. Stake to support the large flower heads.

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Dahlia 'Glenbank Lavender Blush'

Bred in Gippsland, Victoria by Gar Davidson, who originally grew dahlias on his property half way between Glenaladale and Fernbank, 25 min west of Bairnsdale, "Glenbank" pays homage to his home. This large flowered dahlia boasts flower heads up to 20cm across which have a lovely warm lavender pink blush. Simply stunning.
How to grow

All our potted dahlias are cutting grown. Best planted from spring to summer, dahlias will flower in summer and form a tuber over the growing season. Plant dahlias in a sunny position, sheltered from wind, in free-draining, enriched soil. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage further flowering. Depending on your climate and soil, dahlias may need to be lifted over winter to prevent rot (if soil is too wet) and to protect them from extreme cold and frost. Young plants may also benefit from being lifted and kept in a pot in a protected place until the following spring, but be careful when digging up as tubers may be small and plants fragile. If overwintered correctly, dahlias provide gardeners with years of stunning flower colour. Plants purchased in autumn can be stored in their pots and kept in a protected place in the garden. They will still require periodical watering, but should be kept on the dry side to avoid rot.

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